For one of my clients I was tasked with generating ID cards in a web app that runs on Ruby on Rails. Initially I wasn't sure how I was going to tackle this.
Rails isn't well known for image manipulation. However, there is a little bit of image manipution built into rails, with Active Storage varients. From what the Rails docs say, varients use RMagick on the backend, and RMagick is simply a wrapper for ImageMagick, a popular package for processing and manipulating images. The Rails docs indicated that vips, a lighter and faster image processor, will become default soon. But for this example I will use RMagick.

I wanted to write this post because while the documentation for RMagick is very comprehensive, there's very little in the way of examples. So hopefully this will help someone else with a similar application.

This will cover two things. Adding text to existing images, and adding an image on top of another image. Essentially using an ID card template and adding the user's name, downloading a cropped and compressed profile picture from active storage, adding said picture to the ID card template, and uploading the new image back to active storage.

This code can be ran in both a controller and job. If possible I would recommend putting this in a job, since it can take a while on slower hardware, but it really depends on the control flow of your app. In my case, I needed to display the manipulated image to the user and they needed to immedietly download it, so I stuck it in a controller, and pretty much just told the user that they will have to wait a second or two for the image to be processed.

Loading your image

First thing we need is an object that represents out base image that we can manipulate with RMagick. That object will be an ImageList object. Here's what that code looks like:

new_card = do
	self.format = 'jpeg'

An ImageList is actually an array of images. If you're just working with one image and adding text to it, you can use the regular image object. But this tutorial is using an ID card as an example, so we'll be working with multiple images. If you're not sure, just leave it as ImageList

The format can be whatever you want, but I'd recommend something common like jpeg. After we've manipulated our image, it will be saved in this format. For compatibility reasons, I would also make sure your template image matches this format. When I started writing this code I used .tif templates because I figured "Hey higher quality is better and it's getting processed anyways". RMagick does not handle tif images well, so I converted them to jpegs.

Adding Text to Images

With RMagick, adding text is pretty straight forward. Take a look at this code below., text_box_width, text_box_height, text_left_x, y, text) do
  self.gravity = Magick::CenterGravity
  self.font = font_path
  self.fill = text_color
  self.pointsize = text_size

Let me explain what each variable represents.

new_card is the the ImageList object, holding our template image.

text_box_width and text_box_height. These are two integer values that represent the box you want your text to go in. When you set the gravity of the text, aka how it will align, it will use these values to determine that. So if you have a width of 200, and you center the text, it will center 100 pixels off of the left most pixel.

text_left_x is the left most pixel of your text box. y is the y value. And text is a string representing the text you want to write to the image.

RMagick does not automatically wrap text if it exceeds the text_box_width. Instead it'll just overlap. So if you expect to wrap text, you'll need to write your own function to do so. In my code I wrote functions to both wrap and shrink text. So the code above was wrapped in a for each function that looks like this.

lines.each do |text, y, text_size|
	# shadow is drawn first so it's on the bottom, text_box_width, text_box_height, text_left_x + shadow_size, y + shadow_size, text) do
	  self.gravity = Magick::CenterGravity
	  self.font = font_path
	  self.fill = shadow_color
	  self.pointsize = text_size
	end, text_box_width, text_box_height, text_left_x, y, text) do
	  self.gravity = Magick::CenterGravity
	  self.font = font_path
	  self.fill = text_color
	  self.pointsize = text_size

Lines is an array of arrays. Each sub array contains 3 values. text, y, and text_size. This code also includes text shadowing. I simply right the shadow text first, offsetted by a preset integer value (I used 1), then I wrote proper text on top of that text. So in my case the shadow was just text written in black, and then text written in white on top of that.

The Draw object has a lot of options. The 4 main ones are the ones I used. If you need other options check out the documentation here.

self.gravity needs to be a Magick Gravity Constant.

self.font needs to be a string represeting a path to the font file. So I used something like this. Rails.root.join('FOLDER', 'FILE.ttf').to_s.

self.fill is the color of the text. It is stored via hex values, so should look like this: text_color = '#FFFFFF'.

self.pointsize is just the text size. It's an integer.

Adding an image on top of another image

So we have our card template new_card with a bit of text on it. Now we want to add someone's profile picture to the card. Assuming you already have a profile picture ready to go that's cropped down to a set size, here's how you add that image ontop of our edited template.

profile_image = Image.from_blob() # you can source it from anywhere. from_blob is how you would get it from ActiveStorage

new_card.push profile_image # Remember new_card is an ImageList, meaning it can contain multiple images =, target_height, pos_x, pos_y) # this sets the position of the profile image on the template. target width and height should match the size of your cropped profile picture, and pos x and y is the position on the template image.

new_card_path ="id_card").path # this is a temp file we can use to store the image on the file system before uploading it back to active storage

new_card.format = 'jpeg' # make sure it's saved as a jpeg
new_card.flatten_images.write(new_card_path) # then combine all the images, and save it to that temp file

# then if you want to store it with ActiveStorage, do this.
your_model.id_card_image.attach(io:, filename: "something.jpg") # your_model being the model you're attaching it too, and id_card_image being the ActiveStorage association in that model

Honestly that's about it. The hardest parts for me when figuring all of this out is writing a way to automatically wrap lines for large paragraphs of text, and facial recognition to automatically crop a profile image with the face in the center of the photo. These problems are not the focus of the article, and ended up being somewhat niche for my requirements.

If you have any questions about this feel free to shoot me an email.